Cybersecurity Insiders

China has started to pin the blame on US President Donald Trump by creating fake Facebook (FB) ads which blamed the 73-year old president for the outbreak of Novel COVID 19.
After listening to a lot from the world that the country started a bio war by developing Corona Virus in the labs of Wuhan and spreading it across the globe, the Xi Jinping led nation is now seen turning the tables on North America.
According to a report published in Telegraph, 3 Chinese media outlets named Xinhua, Chine Central Television and The Global Times are seen publicizing heavily about the blame on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram in the form of concealed Political Ads- might be retaliation to the trade ban imposed on China by Trump administration last year.
Highly placed sources say that a team of digital warriors has been assigned the task of tarnishing the image of North America by pinning the blame of the Chinese Virus spread. News is out that they are doing it in the disguise of posting non-political ads from nations that aren’t on the blacklist of Facebook. Furthermore, short article driven ads are being posted on Instagram in English, Chinese and Arabic to ensure the spread attains a 100% success rate.