How to Know If You’ve Been Hacked—and What to Do About It


Illustration: Elena Lacey

Everyone is vulnerable to the threat of cybercriminals or hackers getting access to your information, but the threats aren’t equal for everyone.

The average person will likely face fewer sophisticated threats than, say, a senior politician, activist or CEO. More high-profile figures may be targeted with phishing emails that are looking to steal secrets from corporate networks or initiate the transfer of large sums of money. You, your friends and your family will likely face different threats: from people you know seeking revenge, or, more likely, crime groups using automated tools to scoop up credentials en masse.

We all like to think that we’re not susceptible to social engineering or other kinds of cyberattacks but the truth is that even intelligent, self-aware people still get caught up in online scams that can have very damaging consequences, says Jake Moore, a cybersecurity specialist at Eset, an internet security company. Many people will even admit they don’t click on phishing emails but may still get caught up in online scams. A number of emails may still slip through the net without realization and can have serious effects financially or socially.

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