REvil ransomware gangs, known to fleece millions from their victims, are seen leading luxurious lives in their hideouts protected by Russian government. According to a covert operation launched by leading news publishing resource DailyMail, a suspected hacker running REvil aka Sodinokibi ransomware gang was arrested by the police last week.
Named as Yevgeniy Polyanin, the 28-year hacking techie was arrested from Siberia from his $380,000 USD home. It is revised that hacker was living with his wife Sofia during the time of arrest and was leading a plush life with $74K Toyota Cruiser, and a $200K BMW along with a Range Rover.
Sofia, who runs a controversial online bakery business, is already facing a lawsuit against her for producing cakes and cupcakes in X rated forms and was supposed to become a proud owner of the new Range Rover Autobiography in Feb 2022.