It has become a tradition for me to write a blog post at the end of each year, sharing my vision for the Tor Project for the upcoming year. Before talking about what I see for us in 2022, I want to reflect on 2021 and how this has been a year of resilience for Tor.
Reflecting on a year of resilience
I’m very proud of every single person who contributed to Tor, the Tor Project staff, our core contributors, our community, and our supporters. 2020 was a year of sacrifice, but none of the stones thrown in our way stopped us from looking ahead and dreaming of a greater future. And in 2021, we bounced back to continue to shape this greater future.
The Tor Project is now financially stable and healthy after a couple of years of challenge. This is due to all the support we received, from each one of you who never gave up on the Tor Project, on our mission, and the power of Tor. This year, after layoffs in 2020, we were financially healthy and able to hire again, bringing amazing, skilled people to our teams.
With a healthy team, we were able to ship very important projects like bringing Snowflake to Tor Browser stable; discontinuing Tor launcher and replacing it with the connect page, and launching the Tor Forum, a tool to better support our community and users.